Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Stop the roller coaster, I WANT OFF!!!!

In less than 24 hours, one job has been lost, one has been gained. My mom still isn't back in her house, she thinks she'll have no problem getting back in after the initial divorce hearing next Tuesday, I'm not as optimistic.

This morning, I had an interview for a position at Gloria Jeans at West Towne. I was offered the position on the spot and tenatively accepted, pending talking to my husband. There were logistics to be worked out and he wasn't even aware I had the interview, so to come home and say "Honey, I got a job" would be a bit of a shock. He's been back in the mode of liking me to be working from home. I love it too, but I'm seriously not cut out to be an at-home-only mom.

This afternoon, he lost his job. Long story, don't want to get into it. I'm not at all happy and feel like he could have prevented this, but he's adamant that it wasn't his doing. The upside is that he came straight home and started looking for work. A temp agency he used to work with is trying to get him back to work by Monday.

This evening, I found out that I will have my first article published very soon. I've been writing on Associated Content and had my first story that I submitted accepted WITH payment! I will add a link as soon as it's up!

And about 45 minutes ago, I got word that one of my contracts is picking up with the amount of business they get in, which means that there will be more work for me! Since I accepted a lower paying position than what I would like, I'm planning to keep doing transcription, at least through the end of the year. With any luck, after that I will be back in school and too busy for two jobs in addition to that mommy job (which is still my favorite, even though I'm going batty being home all the time).

I would post another cute Khaila pic, but apparently one of the hard drives is on the fritz and I can't get to it. I will post another soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My little secret

One of the sites I visit posts assignments to be completed. The one I was greeted by this morning was to tell a secret. I've been sitting here for nearly twenty minutes, drinking my morning coffee, trying to figure out what to write. I've come up with two that I will share. One won't be a secret to my family, but it's something many others don't know. The second isn't so much a secret as a little known fact about me.

First. As much as I want to be neat and organized, I'm just not. Some people are born organized, I think I'm born messy. Last weekend, my brother found a book he had put together in preschool (so about 23 years ago) and next to my "picture" was the caption, "Heather keeps her room messy". I'm not proud of it. And about twice a month, I go on a whirlwind cleaning spree. Now I just need to get into the habit of cleaning in between. And I'm determined to find a way to start filtering clutter out of this apartment!

Second. I'm a seasonal Starbucks addict. Most of the year, I could take or leave them. It's good, but I cringe at spending that much on coffee. Give me a big cup of homebrew with flavored creamer and I'm a happy girl. OK, give me a pot of homebrew and I'm happy. But once September arrives, all I can think about is Starbucks to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte. And I'm already anticipating Gingerbread, the next featured flavor. Sometime after New Years Day, when they run out of flavor syrup, life will go back to normal and Folgers and International Delights will be my best friends again!

Have a great day!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Two is a fun age!

My daughter has apparently taken after mommy. She is most definitely a talker! We've started to have issues with a couple of phrases she's picked up, but for the most part, it's been fun. If you consider her waking up before the alarm goes off no matter what time it's set for and waking up to "Mommy, want chicken nuggets" before the sun rises to be fun. And if we tell her no chicken nuggets, she'll start the entire list. Normally the order is chicken nuggets, peanut butter, yogurt, eggs, sandwich, pancakes, pretzels, cookies, milk, juice, and cereal.

She's also started to mimic us. When I get done changing her, it's normal for me to ask her to stand up. Now, before I can even get the second tab fastened, she is saying, "Stand up please". Good girl, yes, please stand up!

Now, does anyone know where the off switch is on this little girl?????


In other news, I have been working on devoting time every day to writing, trying to get ready for NaNoWriMo in just over a month. So far, I'm up to about 20,000 words for the week between two stories. Both have been interesting so far, both have minor grains of real life to them, and both have a long way to go. Apparently being talkative isn't just a verbal trait. You can read them on My Creative Outlet. Just remember, I've been back to writing for less than a week, go easy on me!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I've found one thing I enjoy!

Wow, I've neglected this blog for a long time! Life has been chaotic, to say the least. The good news is that I've found something I truly enjoy and I'm trying to find time every day for myself. I recently started writing again. I feel rusty, but it's great to stretch my mind and let my imagination take me away.

In November, I am going to take part in NaNoWriMo as a challenge to myself. I think that by the end of November, when I have written 50,000 words, I will feel very satisfied and possibly a bit insane. Since I also type for a living, I wonder how my fingers will hold up. That would be the only thing that could keep me from completing this challenge.