Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Make a wish

Yeah, I'm a sap. Just reading this story got me all choked up.

So I went to the Lays site to see what this "Share your moment of joy" was about. Can't find it! I see the redeem a bag code, the gallery, the joy tunnel, but nothing leading to sharing your moment of joy. Am I missing it or is it truly not there? Going to be hard to get to $460,000 if the link isn't there!

What a great gift!


This woman must have made quite an impression on the family! Good luck with college Jessica!!!

Way to go buddy!


Ahhh, young love...


Time for a little more randomness. Seems like alot of trouble over $5 (or even $10 for that matter).

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lawsuit happy??

I really don't like frivolous lawsuits. If you have something valid to sue over, that's one thing. Here are a couple that yank my chain.

Rachel Corrie was run over by the bulldozer when the operator did not see her blocking his path. Her family says Caterpillar Tractor should be held liable because it knew — or should have known — the bulldozer could be used to commit human rights violations.

I'm sorry, but I don't think Caterpillar should be held liable. If this family got their way, can you just see the precedent that would be set???

The 26-year-old Port St. Lucie man has been ordered to report to Fort Jackson, S.C., on July 15 for his fifth deployment. And that has compelled Botta, a first-generation American who counts himself a quiet patriot, to do something he never thought he'd do: sue the Army.

Sorry man, while I agree that it sucks that you're being called up yet again, the papers you signed didn't say you could only be deployed so many times. I agree that things need to change in our military, I just don't think it's a good practice to sue when you get called up and it puts your life on hold. EVERY soldier faces hardships when they're called up.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I just can't stop myself tonight.....

Yes, there's laundry to be folded, but why when there's YouTube to waste your time on????

Trust me, it's worth it. And I dare you to keep it from getting stuck in your head!

This is a JOKE???????

I'm really not sure how I feel about this story. I caught it on one of the news networks and I tell ya what, there is NO way I would get Khaila to roll her eyes back like this girl does on cue, there's no chance that I could squeeze her cheeks and tug on her hair without getting a reaction. I'm not buying that it was a hoax. Yes, innocent until proven guilty, but personally, it'd take ALOT to convince me that this is fun and games on a road trip and not something more appalling.
So let's say, for just a minute, that it is a hoax. How about the fact that she is sitting on the floor of the van? That's not safe or legal for a 2 1/2 year old kid. And if you watch the video, there's a baby being passed around in the vehicle, also not in a seat, at least for a while. I would seriously be looking at the judgement of this mom if I was in a position to do so.
Even thinking that would be funny as a joke makes me sick to my stomach. They make comments in the video about her wanting X and other references to her being on ecstasy. WHY would any mother think it would be funny to joke about her child being high on drugs????? I just don't get it!

Have to start somewhere, right?

I would like to thank my dad for forcing me to waste my evening searching for "that one" song that I used to crack up over from Animaniacs. So fun and educational too! On the other hand, it's getting me to start blogging again, although this blog will be a bit deeper than previous blogs I've had in the past.

It's a bit of a time of transition and I'm searching to figure out who I am. So far I've figured out that I'm Heather (big shock there). This was actually something that I struggled with for a while after becoming wife in April of 2005 and mom in July of 2005.
I am in love with music. What kind? Well that's harder to determine. Currently in my Rhapsody playlist I have Marc Cohn, Jim Croce, Gordon Lightfoot, Saigon Kick, Sawyer Brown, Tommy Page, Candlebox, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mary-Chapin Carpenter, Nickelback, Simon & Garfunkel, among MANY others. I think "eclectic" is the best way to describe my tastes (thanks again dad).
I've come to realize that I really, really, really like spending time with my little girl, Khaila. She'll be two next week and it's a fun (and frustrating) time. I love walking outside with her and hearing her say things that I haven't taught her but she sure knows. One day she pointed out the trees and the flowers to me. A few days ago, she told me that birds say "tweet, tweet" as we walked into the house. Today, the sand at the park was her swimming pool. Who knows what tomorrow will hold!
I've realized that I want to be involved. I want to know what's going on in local politics, I want to know what's hot in local news, I want to keep up to date more on bigger and hopefully better things. About a month ago I made my first phone calls to my legislators. I may only be one voice, but if I feel strongly about something, maybe I can be THE one voice. My dad has been interested in politics for a long time and I think I'm finally understanding why.

Well, enough ramblings from me tonight. I leave you with my little bit of Animaniacs education for the evening. A little out of date but still fun!