Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My little secret

One of the sites I visit posts assignments to be completed. The one I was greeted by this morning was to tell a secret. I've been sitting here for nearly twenty minutes, drinking my morning coffee, trying to figure out what to write. I've come up with two that I will share. One won't be a secret to my family, but it's something many others don't know. The second isn't so much a secret as a little known fact about me.

First. As much as I want to be neat and organized, I'm just not. Some people are born organized, I think I'm born messy. Last weekend, my brother found a book he had put together in preschool (so about 23 years ago) and next to my "picture" was the caption, "Heather keeps her room messy". I'm not proud of it. And about twice a month, I go on a whirlwind cleaning spree. Now I just need to get into the habit of cleaning in between. And I'm determined to find a way to start filtering clutter out of this apartment!

Second. I'm a seasonal Starbucks addict. Most of the year, I could take or leave them. It's good, but I cringe at spending that much on coffee. Give me a big cup of homebrew with flavored creamer and I'm a happy girl. OK, give me a pot of homebrew and I'm happy. But once September arrives, all I can think about is Starbucks to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte. And I'm already anticipating Gingerbread, the next featured flavor. Sometime after New Years Day, when they run out of flavor syrup, life will go back to normal and Folgers and International Delights will be my best friends again!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Kakie said...

I love the idea of giving assignments on a blog. I went ahead and did that in one of my postings and would love to know what you think. I gave it a try on my site here

The post is about creating family traditions and putting family first. I hope you enjoy it!!