Friday, August 3, 2007


It's amazing to me how different people react to depression differently. It does NOT amaze me that people who have problems that need attention don't get help given comments I've been seeing lately regarding Amber on this season of Big Brother. I've seen and heard comments about how annoying her crying is, how fake she is, etc. And I have to admit that I was one of them for a while. Then I watched "Big Brother After Dark" a few nights ago and she was talking about something things in her personal life.
Married at 18, divorced with a little girl by 22. To me, that's significant for a BIG reason. I was "lucky" to not have any kids when I went through my divorce, but I think there are still some issues to be resolved from that. I think that when a marriage fails, it rocks your world. And I feel that 22 is while you are still trying to figure out who in the hell you are as a person. To get married so young, have a child so young, get divorced so young is bound to create or enhance issues.
I've said many times since my divorce that I think getting married at 21 was a mistake. I don't think I was emotionally ready to get married. I think that I would have been better off waiting and figuring out who I was and then finding a man who would complement me rather than falling in love with Mr. Right Now and trying to conform to who he was.
That leads to the next issue that I see. She said she got into a relationship right out of that marriage. Again, not taking the time to figure out who she is. She says she's in love with this man and that he's great to her. I hope she's right. I also hope that she will take the time to get to know HERSELF before she runs off and gets married again.
I have no desire to pick on her for her crying anymore. I think maybe that's because I see too much of myself in her. Luckily while some people picked on the overly sensitive actions, others supported me and urged me to get help. I'm not saying I'm "cured", honestly, I wonder if there is a total cure for depression and the issues it creates. But with the help of my therapist, my doctor, and my family, I am getting through this. Slowly, I'm learning who Heather really is and hope that I'll have a good relationship with myself from here on out!

If you see someone in obvious pain, don't pick, pick them up! Support them. Urge them to get help so they can be happy and be the best person they can be! Mental illness is not something to pick on or laugh at, it's serious business. Sometimes there are other reasons for what you are seeing and someone needs you to see those reasons and nudge them.

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