Saturday, August 11, 2007

Throwing out everything I think I know

I've decided that right now, this is an important thing for me to do. I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to wonder how many of the thoughts running through my head are MY thoughts? I was recently told by a friend that I'm too much of a people pleaser and I would rather back down on my own opinions that fight. I think he was right to an extent. And I don't think it's just the day to day things. I fear it's the big picture things as well.
Last night, I was watching Jay Leno, and that's when this all hit me. First Leo DiCaprio was on talking about his new movie on global warming. My gut reaction was "bah, whatever", but then I realized that no, I think I want to look into this more to see what I think because I have nothing to back up that reaction.
Next guest was Gordon Ramsay. He and Jay were making Gnocchi. My first reaction was "ick" and then I realized I've never TRIED it, so how can I say that? At some point, I'm going to find the recipe they made and I'm going to try it. I had a knee-jerk "ick" reaction to salmon, then my dad made salmon quesadillas and I LOVED them. Never wanted to eat feta cheese, then I tried it in something and loved it. I have no idea where I've gotten the idea that some of these things aren't good, but I'm going to start trying things. Heck, my daughter is less of a picky eater than I am!
The third guest was Fuel. I almost turned the channel because I don't like "that music". After spending the rest of the show wondering about my opinions on things, I listened to it. The song they played was GREAT. Had a good melody, it was definitely hard rock but not shouting, and the words were very moving.

I know that Jay Leno may seem like a strange show to come to a huge decision like this, but sometimes the things that move us come from unlikely places. And I truly believe that watching that show is going to have an impact on my life. Who knows what I will think of things and what my opinions will be a year from now. I have no clue, but I can tell you one thing, they will be the ideas of Heather.

On another note, I can smile again! I had some dental work done yesterday (ALOT) and I finally have a smile I'm proud of again!!!! I feel like that was a very big thing for me to have done because a Heather who has been missing (in my eyes) for a long time is starting to come back to life! I'm a happy person by nature, and I no longer feel like I have to open my mouth as little as possible and if I'm happy about something, I can smile as big and wide as I want and not worry about what others will think! So if you see me walking around town smiling, there may be nothing particularly happy going on, I'm just happy to have that confidence back!

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