Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Goodbye world!

Just for a month, but if you can't find me or don't hear from me, no need to panic! I'm sticking by my hair-brained idea to participate in NaNoWriMo this year which means that for the month of November, I will be banging my head on my desk, my fingers on the keyboard, working, sleeping, and taking care of Khaila.

See you in December!

p.s. If you want, you can see my progress here throughout the month.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Stop the roller coaster, I WANT OFF!!!!

In less than 24 hours, one job has been lost, one has been gained. My mom still isn't back in her house, she thinks she'll have no problem getting back in after the initial divorce hearing next Tuesday, I'm not as optimistic.

This morning, I had an interview for a position at Gloria Jeans at West Towne. I was offered the position on the spot and tenatively accepted, pending talking to my husband. There were logistics to be worked out and he wasn't even aware I had the interview, so to come home and say "Honey, I got a job" would be a bit of a shock. He's been back in the mode of liking me to be working from home. I love it too, but I'm seriously not cut out to be an at-home-only mom.

This afternoon, he lost his job. Long story, don't want to get into it. I'm not at all happy and feel like he could have prevented this, but he's adamant that it wasn't his doing. The upside is that he came straight home and started looking for work. A temp agency he used to work with is trying to get him back to work by Monday.

This evening, I found out that I will have my first article published very soon. I've been writing on Associated Content and had my first story that I submitted accepted WITH payment! I will add a link as soon as it's up!

And about 45 minutes ago, I got word that one of my contracts is picking up with the amount of business they get in, which means that there will be more work for me! Since I accepted a lower paying position than what I would like, I'm planning to keep doing transcription, at least through the end of the year. With any luck, after that I will be back in school and too busy for two jobs in addition to that mommy job (which is still my favorite, even though I'm going batty being home all the time).

I would post another cute Khaila pic, but apparently one of the hard drives is on the fritz and I can't get to it. I will post another soon!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My little secret

One of the sites I visit posts assignments to be completed. The one I was greeted by this morning was to tell a secret. I've been sitting here for nearly twenty minutes, drinking my morning coffee, trying to figure out what to write. I've come up with two that I will share. One won't be a secret to my family, but it's something many others don't know. The second isn't so much a secret as a little known fact about me.

First. As much as I want to be neat and organized, I'm just not. Some people are born organized, I think I'm born messy. Last weekend, my brother found a book he had put together in preschool (so about 23 years ago) and next to my "picture" was the caption, "Heather keeps her room messy". I'm not proud of it. And about twice a month, I go on a whirlwind cleaning spree. Now I just need to get into the habit of cleaning in between. And I'm determined to find a way to start filtering clutter out of this apartment!

Second. I'm a seasonal Starbucks addict. Most of the year, I could take or leave them. It's good, but I cringe at spending that much on coffee. Give me a big cup of homebrew with flavored creamer and I'm a happy girl. OK, give me a pot of homebrew and I'm happy. But once September arrives, all I can think about is Starbucks to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte. And I'm already anticipating Gingerbread, the next featured flavor. Sometime after New Years Day, when they run out of flavor syrup, life will go back to normal and Folgers and International Delights will be my best friends again!

Have a great day!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Two is a fun age!

My daughter has apparently taken after mommy. She is most definitely a talker! We've started to have issues with a couple of phrases she's picked up, but for the most part, it's been fun. If you consider her waking up before the alarm goes off no matter what time it's set for and waking up to "Mommy, want chicken nuggets" before the sun rises to be fun. And if we tell her no chicken nuggets, she'll start the entire list. Normally the order is chicken nuggets, peanut butter, yogurt, eggs, sandwich, pancakes, pretzels, cookies, milk, juice, and cereal.

She's also started to mimic us. When I get done changing her, it's normal for me to ask her to stand up. Now, before I can even get the second tab fastened, she is saying, "Stand up please". Good girl, yes, please stand up!

Now, does anyone know where the off switch is on this little girl?????


In other news, I have been working on devoting time every day to writing, trying to get ready for NaNoWriMo in just over a month. So far, I'm up to about 20,000 words for the week between two stories. Both have been interesting so far, both have minor grains of real life to them, and both have a long way to go. Apparently being talkative isn't just a verbal trait. You can read them on My Creative Outlet. Just remember, I've been back to writing for less than a week, go easy on me!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I've found one thing I enjoy!

Wow, I've neglected this blog for a long time! Life has been chaotic, to say the least. The good news is that I've found something I truly enjoy and I'm trying to find time every day for myself. I recently started writing again. I feel rusty, but it's great to stretch my mind and let my imagination take me away.

In November, I am going to take part in NaNoWriMo as a challenge to myself. I think that by the end of November, when I have written 50,000 words, I will feel very satisfied and possibly a bit insane. Since I also type for a living, I wonder how my fingers will hold up. That would be the only thing that could keep me from completing this challenge.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Throwing out everything I think I know

I've decided that right now, this is an important thing for me to do. I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to wonder how many of the thoughts running through my head are MY thoughts? I was recently told by a friend that I'm too much of a people pleaser and I would rather back down on my own opinions that fight. I think he was right to an extent. And I don't think it's just the day to day things. I fear it's the big picture things as well.
Last night, I was watching Jay Leno, and that's when this all hit me. First Leo DiCaprio was on talking about his new movie on global warming. My gut reaction was "bah, whatever", but then I realized that no, I think I want to look into this more to see what I think because I have nothing to back up that reaction.
Next guest was Gordon Ramsay. He and Jay were making Gnocchi. My first reaction was "ick" and then I realized I've never TRIED it, so how can I say that? At some point, I'm going to find the recipe they made and I'm going to try it. I had a knee-jerk "ick" reaction to salmon, then my dad made salmon quesadillas and I LOVED them. Never wanted to eat feta cheese, then I tried it in something and loved it. I have no idea where I've gotten the idea that some of these things aren't good, but I'm going to start trying things. Heck, my daughter is less of a picky eater than I am!
The third guest was Fuel. I almost turned the channel because I don't like "that music". After spending the rest of the show wondering about my opinions on things, I listened to it. The song they played was GREAT. Had a good melody, it was definitely hard rock but not shouting, and the words were very moving.

I know that Jay Leno may seem like a strange show to come to a huge decision like this, but sometimes the things that move us come from unlikely places. And I truly believe that watching that show is going to have an impact on my life. Who knows what I will think of things and what my opinions will be a year from now. I have no clue, but I can tell you one thing, they will be the ideas of Heather.

On another note, I can smile again! I had some dental work done yesterday (ALOT) and I finally have a smile I'm proud of again!!!! I feel like that was a very big thing for me to have done because a Heather who has been missing (in my eyes) for a long time is starting to come back to life! I'm a happy person by nature, and I no longer feel like I have to open my mouth as little as possible and if I'm happy about something, I can smile as big and wide as I want and not worry about what others will think! So if you see me walking around town smiling, there may be nothing particularly happy going on, I'm just happy to have that confidence back!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Dance Like No one's Watching

I figured out another thing that I want to do. I want to dance. Not professionally. I want to get up and dance with Khaila when she hears music on the radio or on TV and can't help but get up and dance. That little girl LOVES to dance and she LOVES music. Two things that make me a very happy mommy!
25 years from now, I want Khaila to think back to when she and mommy used to dance in the living room. Not so much remembering when she was little enough that I had to pick her up, but I want her to remember standing on my feet and the two of us dancing like no one is watching, whether it's just us or the entire family sitting around watching. I know that's one of my treasured memories of growing up!

Friday, August 3, 2007


It's amazing to me how different people react to depression differently. It does NOT amaze me that people who have problems that need attention don't get help given comments I've been seeing lately regarding Amber on this season of Big Brother. I've seen and heard comments about how annoying her crying is, how fake she is, etc. And I have to admit that I was one of them for a while. Then I watched "Big Brother After Dark" a few nights ago and she was talking about something things in her personal life.
Married at 18, divorced with a little girl by 22. To me, that's significant for a BIG reason. I was "lucky" to not have any kids when I went through my divorce, but I think there are still some issues to be resolved from that. I think that when a marriage fails, it rocks your world. And I feel that 22 is while you are still trying to figure out who in the hell you are as a person. To get married so young, have a child so young, get divorced so young is bound to create or enhance issues.
I've said many times since my divorce that I think getting married at 21 was a mistake. I don't think I was emotionally ready to get married. I think that I would have been better off waiting and figuring out who I was and then finding a man who would complement me rather than falling in love with Mr. Right Now and trying to conform to who he was.
That leads to the next issue that I see. She said she got into a relationship right out of that marriage. Again, not taking the time to figure out who she is. She says she's in love with this man and that he's great to her. I hope she's right. I also hope that she will take the time to get to know HERSELF before she runs off and gets married again.
I have no desire to pick on her for her crying anymore. I think maybe that's because I see too much of myself in her. Luckily while some people picked on the overly sensitive actions, others supported me and urged me to get help. I'm not saying I'm "cured", honestly, I wonder if there is a total cure for depression and the issues it creates. But with the help of my therapist, my doctor, and my family, I am getting through this. Slowly, I'm learning who Heather really is and hope that I'll have a good relationship with myself from here on out!

If you see someone in obvious pain, don't pick, pick them up! Support them. Urge them to get help so they can be happy and be the best person they can be! Mental illness is not something to pick on or laugh at, it's serious business. Sometimes there are other reasons for what you are seeing and someone needs you to see those reasons and nudge them.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Better safe than sorry...

In light of the Minneapolis bridge collapse yesterday, I went in and updated my phonebook in my cell. Do you have an ICE contact? Granted it's not going to be the first thing rescue crews will do when on the scene of an emergency, but it may help them contact family once you are in route to the hospital or at the hospital should something happen. I have two ICE contacts, my dad's and my stepmom's cell phones. I have their home phone under Dad and my mom's under Mom, more contacts that are easily identifiable. I have my home number in there so they can call my house. I have my husband's work number in there under Hubby work because they won't know who Rick is, but they'll probably understand Hubby.

Do you have a CHAD sticker on any carseats you own? This will allow emergency workers to have information on your child in case of an accident. You can find more information at the website listed below. The program is named after an infant named Chad who was in an accident and they had no idea who he was. Luckily an emergency room nurse recognized him and they could contact his parents, but most people wouldn't be so lucky. They're free and you never know if they may save your child's life if something should happen. Yes, it sounds like an exaggeration but think about it, if you're in an accident and unconscious or worse, or if your child is with someone other than you, what will happen? I'd rather be safe than sorry!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Make a wish

Yeah, I'm a sap. Just reading this story got me all choked up.

So I went to the Lays site to see what this "Share your moment of joy" was about. Can't find it! I see the redeem a bag code, the gallery, the joy tunnel, but nothing leading to sharing your moment of joy. Am I missing it or is it truly not there? Going to be hard to get to $460,000 if the link isn't there!

What a great gift!

This woman must have made quite an impression on the family! Good luck with college Jessica!!!

Way to go buddy!

Ahhh, young love...

Time for a little more randomness. Seems like alot of trouble over $5 (or even $10 for that matter).

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lawsuit happy??

I really don't like frivolous lawsuits. If you have something valid to sue over, that's one thing. Here are a couple that yank my chain.

Rachel Corrie was run over by the bulldozer when the operator did not see her blocking his path. Her family says Caterpillar Tractor should be held liable because it knew — or should have known — the bulldozer could be used to commit human rights violations.

I'm sorry, but I don't think Caterpillar should be held liable. If this family got their way, can you just see the precedent that would be set???

The 26-year-old Port St. Lucie man has been ordered to report to Fort Jackson, S.C., on July 15 for his fifth deployment. And that has compelled Botta, a first-generation American who counts himself a quiet patriot, to do something he never thought he'd do: sue the Army.

Sorry man, while I agree that it sucks that you're being called up yet again, the papers you signed didn't say you could only be deployed so many times. I agree that things need to change in our military, I just don't think it's a good practice to sue when you get called up and it puts your life on hold. EVERY soldier faces hardships when they're called up.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I just can't stop myself tonight.....

Yes, there's laundry to be folded, but why when there's YouTube to waste your time on????

Trust me, it's worth it. And I dare you to keep it from getting stuck in your head!

This is a JOKE???????

I'm really not sure how I feel about this story. I caught it on one of the news networks and I tell ya what, there is NO way I would get Khaila to roll her eyes back like this girl does on cue, there's no chance that I could squeeze her cheeks and tug on her hair without getting a reaction. I'm not buying that it was a hoax. Yes, innocent until proven guilty, but personally, it'd take ALOT to convince me that this is fun and games on a road trip and not something more appalling.
So let's say, for just a minute, that it is a hoax. How about the fact that she is sitting on the floor of the van? That's not safe or legal for a 2 1/2 year old kid. And if you watch the video, there's a baby being passed around in the vehicle, also not in a seat, at least for a while. I would seriously be looking at the judgement of this mom if I was in a position to do so.
Even thinking that would be funny as a joke makes me sick to my stomach. They make comments in the video about her wanting X and other references to her being on ecstasy. WHY would any mother think it would be funny to joke about her child being high on drugs????? I just don't get it!

Have to start somewhere, right?

I would like to thank my dad for forcing me to waste my evening searching for "that one" song that I used to crack up over from Animaniacs. So fun and educational too! On the other hand, it's getting me to start blogging again, although this blog will be a bit deeper than previous blogs I've had in the past.

It's a bit of a time of transition and I'm searching to figure out who I am. So far I've figured out that I'm Heather (big shock there). This was actually something that I struggled with for a while after becoming wife in April of 2005 and mom in July of 2005.
I am in love with music. What kind? Well that's harder to determine. Currently in my Rhapsody playlist I have Marc Cohn, Jim Croce, Gordon Lightfoot, Saigon Kick, Sawyer Brown, Tommy Page, Candlebox, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mary-Chapin Carpenter, Nickelback, Simon & Garfunkel, among MANY others. I think "eclectic" is the best way to describe my tastes (thanks again dad).
I've come to realize that I really, really, really like spending time with my little girl, Khaila. She'll be two next week and it's a fun (and frustrating) time. I love walking outside with her and hearing her say things that I haven't taught her but she sure knows. One day she pointed out the trees and the flowers to me. A few days ago, she told me that birds say "tweet, tweet" as we walked into the house. Today, the sand at the park was her swimming pool. Who knows what tomorrow will hold!
I've realized that I want to be involved. I want to know what's going on in local politics, I want to know what's hot in local news, I want to keep up to date more on bigger and hopefully better things. About a month ago I made my first phone calls to my legislators. I may only be one voice, but if I feel strongly about something, maybe I can be THE one voice. My dad has been interested in politics for a long time and I think I'm finally understanding why.

Well, enough ramblings from me tonight. I leave you with my little bit of Animaniacs education for the evening. A little out of date but still fun!